🤝 Meet our team!

Faculty Members

Filippo Maria Bianchi's profile picture

Filippo Maria Bianchi

Filippo is an Associate Professor at the Math Dept. His research is on machine learning for time series and graphs, with a focus on pooling in GNNs and spatio-temporal models.

Benjamin Ricaud's profile picture

Benjamin Ricaud

Benjamin is an Associate Professor in the Machine Learning group researching graph signal processing, methods for exploring large graphs, graphs in biology, sparsity in data and models.

Elisabeth Wetzer's profile picture

Elisabeth Wetzer

Elisabeth is an Associate Professor in the Machine Learning group. Her research interests include representation learning for graphs, similarity measures and clustering methods for graphs.

Researchers and postdocs

Andrea Cini's profile picture

Andrea Cini

Andrea is an SNSF Postdoc Fellow at UiT and the University of Oxford, also affiliated with USI. His research focuses on time series processing and graph machine learning.

Nicolas Tremblay's profile picture

Nicolas Tremblay

Nicolas is a CNRS Researcher at Gipsa-lab, in Grenoble, France. He is currently working as an MSCA Postdoc at UiT. His research includes graph signal processing and sampling algorithms for ML.

PhD students

Michele Guerra's profile picture

Michele Guerra

Michele is a PhD student researching randomized and trainable models for time series and graphs. The focus of his research is on uncertainty quantification and interpretability.

Jonas Berg Hansen's profile picture

Jonas Berg Hansen

Jonas is a PhD student researching pooling in graph neural networks. He applies his research in the context of energy analytics.

Roberto Neglia's profile picture

Roberto Neglia

Roberto is a PhD student focusing on basic research in machine learning for time series and graphs. His research interests include randomized architectures for large spatio-temporal models and uncertainty quantification.

Collaborators and Visitors

Simone Scardapane's profile picture

Simone Scardapane

Assistant Professor

Sapienza University of Rome

Indro Spinelli's profile picture

Indro Spinelli

Assistant Professor

Sapienza University of Rome

Veronica Lachi's profile picture

Veronica Lachi


Fondazione Bruno Kessler

Carlo Abate's profile picture

Carlo Abate

PhD Student

Università di Bologna, IIT Genova

Daniele Castellana's profile picture

Daniele Castellana

Assistant Professor

University of Florence